
2024年2月14日—1/Adjustthetextsize—thisincreasesthesizeoftextacrosstheboard.2/✨Useboldtext—thisincreasesreadabilitybecauseall ...,Herearesomedisplaysettingsthathelpsupportaneasierreadingexperience...Adjustbrightnessandcontrastlevelsforcomfortablereading.Enable ...,2020年7月5日—ReaderViewisagreatwayofgrabbingthatcontentanddisplayingitinareadableformat.YoucanevensavepagesashighlyreadablePDF ...,2...

3 Ways to Improve Readability on Your iPhone and ...

2024年2月14日 — 1/ Adjust the text size — this increases the size of text across the board. 2/ ✨ Use bold text — this increases readability because all ...

5 Display Settings to Optimize for iPhone Readability

Here are some display settings that help support an easier reading experience... Adjust brightness and contrast levels for comfortable reading. Enable ...

7 Tips to Make the Web More Readable on an iPhone

2020年7月5日 — Reader View is a great way of grabbing that content and displaying it in a readable format. You can even save pages as highly readable PDF ...

Improve Font Readability on iPhone or iPad by Enabling ...

2019年4月19日 — You can improve the readability of fonts on iPhone or iPad by enabling Bold Text mode in iOS. Here's how you can do it right now.

Official Readability App For iPhone And iPad Now ...

2012年3月1日 — Readability is a great addition to the growing nest, and has finally been released for iOS. It has been the subject of much delay, but as per a ...

Readability App on the App Store

Readability App is designed to score your English text with various readability formulas, including: - Flesch Reading Ease. - Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.

Readability for iOS Review

2012年3月1日 — The app allows you to adjust text size and column width (the latter is iPad-only) and supports both landscape and portrait modes; you can also ...

Readability Learn How to Read 4+

6 天前 — Readability's award-winning Smart Reading & Comprehension Learning App gives your child the effectiveness of 1-on-1 tutoring.

Readability 讓你享受閱讀樂趣的稍後閱讀服務推出免費版

... Readability也即將推出它們的iPhone、iPad閱讀App。 我自己常用的稍後閱讀是Instapaper,而試用Readability後的心得是,Readability在閱讀版面上確實更漂亮舒適,一些 ...